Student Marketing Case Study

Amazon wanted to launch and promote their Amazon Student product in the UK for the first time, following its success in the USA.
The Objectives:
Campus Media were challenged to plan and deploy a bespoke online and offline campaign with the aim to:
On top of the overall objective of the campaign (to increase brand awareness of the Amazon Student offering on UK campuses), the campaign also set out to:
- Increase awareness of Amazon Student Prime ‘one-day free delivery for six months’ offer
- Encourage subscriptions to Amazon Student Prime
- Where possible, highlight the 20% discount on the trade-in value on any books through the Amazon Trade In programme
The Solution:
Using its network of student brand ambassadors (known as Campus Media Crew), Campus Media’s strategy focused on the distribution of promotional materials in high student footfall areas at 23 locations across the UK.
This face-to-face activity was supported by social media activity, with Campus Media Crew reporting the day’s activity and promotions on Twitter.
The Result:
- 100,000 flyers distributed across 23 locations
- 253 direct sign-ups to Amazon Student Prime
- Increased awareness of Amazon Student in the UK student market