Student Marketing – On Campus Experiences
Campus Media gives you everything you need to deliver an unforgettable Campus Experience.
What we do…
We specialise in experiential marketing services that are designed to grab the attention of students across the country, challenge perceptions and influence their behaviour.
What we’ve done…
Our motto is ‘be original, be influential and be memorable.’ We’ve worked on numerous award-winning student campaigns in our time. Browse our Case Studies.
How we do it…
We’re a creative bunch and love nothing more than a good old fashioned brainstorm. Why not challenge us to create an idea for your student campaign? See some of Our Work.
What we know…
Student trends move quickly but it’s essential to stay in touch with the constantly changing loves, hates, wants and needs of these young consumers. Check out our latest market research insights below.
What we can tell you…
We’re well positioned to advise our clients about changes in student behaviour. Our blog is where we guide you on how to market to this consumer audience most effectively.
Advocate for greater diversity and inclusion EVERY DAY!
Women In Engineering & Technology event 2023
International Women in Engineering Day
The Popularity of Pop-up Shops
Campus Media’s 2017 Highlights
The Fall of Celebrity Driven Advertising
Employers Step Up: Four Companies Supporting the Women in Tech and Engineering Movement
Campus Media and Shell’s Women in Engineering and Technology Event
Marketing to Students: the Five Keys to Success
How one Employer Delivered the Ultimate High Fliers Campaign
Five Brands that are Doing Political Good
Why Graduates are Awesome in the Workplace
How one Employer Successfully Marketed to BAME Students
Putting a Label on “Generation Z”
Student Eating Habits Focus Group
Student Discussions on Spending and Budgeting
Freshening Up Freshers Fairs
How Not to Make Your Ads Annoying
Your Guide to Using Students as Influencers
What Students Want from their First Job
Part Three of Students on… Brexit Just Launched
Campus Media Release the Second Part to Students on… Brexit
Campus Media Ask Students to Discuss their Opinions on Brexit, Politicians and the Media
Campus Media Launches its Video Series called ‘Students on…’
These are the Events Brands can Promote at in 2017 to Target Students
A Year in the Life of a University Student
Having a Chinwag with Campus Media Crew
Five Tips for Marketing Leisure Activities and Experiences to Millenials
Five Ways Brands Can Engage Better With Students Through Experiential Marketing

Are you a student looking for work? Why not join our Brand Ambassadors and promote our events!